People say it to me! 'You're so wonderful. You look after all those kids, your husband and have those cottages!' Sigh...
I'm not wonderful. I'm a Mum, a wife and business owner. I set about doing what I need to do to keep it all happening. And sometimes doing all that does not make me feel wonderful. It makes me tired-ask my husband- and sometimes it all makes me feel like I've been swallowed up and the real me has been lost. This is not a wonderful feeling.
I am not the only mum walking this earth feeling this way. You may have 1,2,3,4,5 or 8 or 10 or 12 14 16 19 kids (19 is the most I have heard of or are the Duggars up to 20. I've lost count) kids. And doing it all is sometimes a soulless task. Shimmer and you've disappeared.
For those who don't know my story. My other blog Bless-ed Baby is about having my fifth child and the sidetrip it took me on. I'm writing my memoirs about the year my Bless-ed fifth child was born. Part of my story is realising that I'd not been true to myself. In my life of having a husband and children I'd forgotten who I was.
Nearly three years on I'm realising I've not lived up to the promises I'd made to myself. I started off well but again I've let it all slide. So I've set up this blog to be my marker of self.
Not only am going to run with my kids, husband and everyday life. I'm going to run for me and chase my dreams.
PS Thank you if you have read this and have ever said I'm wonderful.I do appreciate the fact that sometimes others notice all that you do. There are so many mums out there who I think are wonderful too <3
PSS Photo is of my 5 and my hubby.
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