Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome to my other Blog!

It's Tuesday. It's been a week since I went for a run. I got up that morning and organised myself- answered 4 emails and got 3 kids ready for school and 1 kid for preschool. I dressed myself for a run then dropped them off at their respective schools. Then I headed out for my run!

Well, at first I was only walking as I'm easing myself back into it. But as I warmed up I did some interval running. Short bursts of running with quick paced walks. The sky was overcast and misty. For February it wasn't hot. In fact it was perfect for being outdoors.

I headed out of our sleepy little village and a couple of k's out I turned to head back and the mist turned to a fine refreshing rain. I ran about a kilometre with the misty rain wetting my face. I ran. I ran without a care or a business or a kid in the world.I ran and I was me. Nature lapping at my face with misty rain, my body moving the best it had in months (another story in itself) and the freedom of moving with blood flowiing and pumping taking everything away for awhile.

I stopped and heaved for breath. Yes, I have a long way to go. But gee, it felt good.

Back home I answered more emails, made phone calls, went to town to appointments, came home started dinner in the slow cooker, picked up kids from school, took my daughter her dance lesson, came home did some more things for dinner, went back out and picked up son from his friends, came home finished dinner then took son to Cubs, came home bathed kids, went out again picked up son from Cubs, came home and put them all to bed. Then sat and wondered which part of my day was the run!

I haven't stopped running since last week. Today I went for a run. I ran like an old woman!

This is my journal of me trying to run, finding time for me and running after my 5 kids and my life!

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